Monday, November 14, 2011

Graduation's Day =P

Hi hi, is me again.. =D
Today is my mum's kindergarten's graduation day...
I am here to share some photos with you...   ^^
Here you are..
                             This guy is lovely and cute ! ^^

                                             hehehe =D

Ang Wei Ting ~ The handsome guy ! =P 

This is Wei Jie, the kid that I love the most ^^

 Haw Zhi and Wei Jie 

                   They are the model students of Sejahtera             Kindergarten

                              Danise      gong xi gong xi ^^

This is hawaiiii dance =P 

 Robot    perform by Yi Sheng

chicken chicken chicken =P 

                                      The magician - Haw Zhi 

The frogs' costumes is made by my mum... : )

                                       阿里三姑娘  =D

They are cute ! I love them so much !! ♥ ♥ 

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