Sunday, November 27, 2011

( : : )

Hey guys, long time didn't update my blog... =)
Last Wednesday, I found some red dots over my leg..
I was shocked !
I immediately called my mum to see it..
and....... -,-
My mum told me that....
It's CHICKENPOX !!!! ><
Oh My God !!
I felt like I wanted to faint because two more days later is my cousin's wedding!
I wanted to dress nicely !!!!!!
Oh no ! All my dream broke that time..
My mum brought me to see Dr. Quak...
He said it's really chickenpox...
He gave me prescription...
different types of medicine... eg : fever, antibiotic, relief itchiness and what what what...
The next day, I went to my cousin's house...
I have nothing to do..
can't play with my relatives because I was fever that time...
chickenpox really made people suffer!! =(
I hate chickenpox...
Luckily my cousin's house have ASTRO ON DEMAND !! hahaha =D 
I really love Hong Kong's movies and dramas !! ^^
I watch 'Forensic Heroes 3' and '万凰之王' !!
Nice!! =D
The really sad case is...
I can't eat all the food!!!!!!
Oh no !!!! The food were so delicious and so so so alluring !!! T,T
I just drank Milo + biscuits... -,-
never mind... I can lose my weight !! hehe =D
The next day, is Eddy koko and Ching Leng jie jie 's Big Day !!
I skipped all the '喝茶仪式' because I'm lazy ...><
At night, a lot of guests came to Eddy koko's wedding!!
All the Sin Min 's teachers attended his wedding as my uncle invited all the Sin Min 's teacher... =D
I saw K.K Lim !! haha...
We went to him to take photos with him... hehehe ^^
so happy... =D
after the wedding ended, we went to Eddy koko's house again...
Angie jie jie helped me to polish and colored my nails...
We watched movies, chatting, karaoke-ing...
until 3 o'clock morning we only back to home..
So tired.. but very happy.. =)
Happy Wedding, Eddy and Ching Leng =D

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