Monday, November 7, 2011


Tomorrow I am going to a camp named 'Kem Waja Diri'..
This camp is organized by my school and it is for 15 person of each every club uniform..
I have been chosen to go to this I am a 'VIP'..(very important person)
hahaha...just kidding!=D
We are going to D'omland, Bukit Kechil tomorrow..
I have to say GOOD BYE to my computer, TV, radio, and everything..
I have been there before..
at there no internet, no TV and we have to live there as an 'orang kampung'...
arr!! can't watch TV and can't listen music for 3 days!!! =((
That's ok~=D
Hope everything goes smoothly...=)
Goodbye facebook, blogger...
I will be right back to you guys after 3 days! =)
I have to go.. BYE!^^

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