Sunday, November 27, 2011

( : : )

Hey guys, long time didn't update my blog... =)
Last Wednesday, I found some red dots over my leg..
I was shocked !
I immediately called my mum to see it..
and....... -,-
My mum told me that....
It's CHICKENPOX !!!! ><
Oh My God !!
I felt like I wanted to faint because two more days later is my cousin's wedding!
I wanted to dress nicely !!!!!!
Oh no ! All my dream broke that time..
My mum brought me to see Dr. Quak...
He said it's really chickenpox...
He gave me prescription...
different types of medicine... eg : fever, antibiotic, relief itchiness and what what what...
The next day, I went to my cousin's house...
I have nothing to do..
can't play with my relatives because I was fever that time...
chickenpox really made people suffer!! =(
I hate chickenpox...
Luckily my cousin's house have ASTRO ON DEMAND !! hahaha =D 
I really love Hong Kong's movies and dramas !! ^^
I watch 'Forensic Heroes 3' and '万凰之王' !!
Nice!! =D
The really sad case is...
I can't eat all the food!!!!!!
Oh no !!!! The food were so delicious and so so so alluring !!! T,T
I just drank Milo + biscuits... -,-
never mind... I can lose my weight !! hehe =D
The next day, is Eddy koko and Ching Leng jie jie 's Big Day !!
I skipped all the '喝茶仪式' because I'm lazy ...><
At night, a lot of guests came to Eddy koko's wedding!!
All the Sin Min 's teachers attended his wedding as my uncle invited all the Sin Min 's teacher... =D
I saw K.K Lim !! haha...
We went to him to take photos with him... hehehe ^^
so happy... =D
after the wedding ended, we went to Eddy koko's house again...
Angie jie jie helped me to polish and colored my nails...
We watched movies, chatting, karaoke-ing...
until 3 o'clock morning we only back to home..
So tired.. but very happy.. =)
Happy Wedding, Eddy and Ching Leng =D

Monday, November 14, 2011

Graduation's Day =P

Hi hi, is me again.. =D
Today is my mum's kindergarten's graduation day...
I am here to share some photos with you...   ^^
Here you are..
                             This guy is lovely and cute ! ^^

                                             hehehe =D

Ang Wei Ting ~ The handsome guy ! =P 

This is Wei Jie, the kid that I love the most ^^

 Haw Zhi and Wei Jie 

                   They are the model students of Sejahtera             Kindergarten

                              Danise      gong xi gong xi ^^

This is hawaiiii dance =P 

 Robot    perform by Yi Sheng

chicken chicken chicken =P 

                                      The magician - Haw Zhi 

The frogs' costumes is made by my mum... : )

                                       阿里三姑娘  =D

They are cute ! I love them so much !! ♥ ♥ 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

12 A++++ ^^

I love tonight pastor sermon very much!!
The pastor name Mark Tan..
He is a handsome guy... =)
wow! He is so talented in speaking !!
He was just graduated last week and today is the first sermon that he gave after he graduated..
He is a nice pastor~ Pray for him... =D
Oh yea, tomorrow is all the form 5 students' big day!!
I think sure you know what is it~
Form 5 students are facing SPM examination tomorrow!
as well as my sister, my sis is a form 5 student..
at first she is afraid and lack of confidence..
But after been prayed by the young pastor,
She felt confident again.. =D
 Jie Jie,
Jia You!! =)
always tell yourself you can do it !!
God Bless You !! =D
12 apple + + + !!
Good luck ~!
Tomorrow is my mum's kindergarten graduation day..
I will be helping my mum to capture photo tomorrow..
I sure will share with you guys with all the photos.. =)
That's all...
Good night ^^

Saturday, November 12, 2011

halo =D

Hi guys, is me again...=D
I am back!!^^ 
Such a relief I went back home from there...
The mosquitoes at there seem like 'love' me so much!! =( 
The 'kissed' all over my body! haiz...
My whole body are itchy now!
but still got mood online =)
actually the camp is ok la..
The activity that most scary is they wanted us to night trekking ALONE at the midnight.. =DD 
I am so scared that time!
The coaches posing as ghosts to scare us.. 
But they are very phony!!=D 
One of them tried to scare me by making some noisy sound like someone are chasing me..
But I knew that they are not real.. 
and I turned back to see, he was wearing the D'omland uniform! (D'omland is the place where the camp are) 
and I laughed at him because he was fail to scare me~ hahahaha.. :]
after I walked a short distance, I heard some people walking sound again.. 
I thought it was the coach that wanted to scare me..
suddenly, someone grabbed my hand.. 
Oh.. is the boy that behind me to climb up the mountain..
He was afraid so he run very quickly to me so that not so scary because got friend accompany... 
Oh yes, we had a password to know that is that our friends or strangers..
our password is 'bukit kecil'...
The boy looked really scared, he was to nervous and he dropped his shoe..haha =D
(boy cinderella ) ^^
One girl was very very very very afraid!
Along her way she continuously shouted and called 'Tuan' and our password to know that is someone there..
But we are very naughty, so are the coaches..
We didn't reply her.. So she shouted shouted and shouted and cried..
haiz.. We are so JAHAT! hahax =D 
The next day we climb the payu bakau..!
The most interesting and best game that I had..=)
We must think the way you climb over the payu bakau wisely..
If you made any mistakes, you may soak in the mud...=)
and your shoes your be like this..

'NICE', right? =D
haiz... suffering now! : ((
My whole body is really itchy now~
this morning just went to see doctor as well as last year..
haiz....every times came back from camp need to see doctor..
but it is ok, haha.. because this morning I went to see a very handsome doctor!!
don't know what's his name.. HANDSOME! =DD
(花痴) haha =D
It's time to sleep now..
gotta go.. write later..
BYE !! ^^  

Monday, November 7, 2011


Tomorrow I am going to a camp named 'Kem Waja Diri'..
This camp is organized by my school and it is for 15 person of each every club uniform..
I have been chosen to go to this I am a 'VIP'..(very important person)
hahaha...just kidding!=D
We are going to D'omland, Bukit Kechil tomorrow..
I have to say GOOD BYE to my computer, TV, radio, and everything..
I have been there before..
at there no internet, no TV and we have to live there as an 'orang kampung'...
arr!! can't watch TV and can't listen music for 3 days!!! =((
That's ok~=D
Hope everything goes smoothly...=)
Goodbye facebook, blogger...
I will be right back to you guys after 3 days! =)
I have to go.. BYE!^^