Wednesday, January 11, 2012

halo 2012 ^^

Halo, what a long time didn't update my blog already ^^ 
I haven't update my blog since year 2012 started. 
actually I am too busy since this new year start and I have no time to update my blog.. 
busy with tuition, homework, study and other stuffs. 
I think this year - 2012 will be a BUSY year. 
We are having PMR this year!! 
oh no, we have to work harder and harder to get a good result in PMR examination.
PMR is very important as it decide our class in form 4 & 5. 
when I was form 1 & 2, everyday I was just daydream in the class. 
haiz.. I'm so regret now. T,T
so this year I will work as hard as I could to realize all my 'Target 2012'!
yea, here are my year 2012 target, so far. =)

Target ^^ 
♥ of course is get 8A in PMR examination ! 
♥ be Top 15 whole classes next examination ! 
♥ be taller ! (don't laugh at me ^^)
♥ get A in Geografi ! (my Geografi is too bad)
♥ get 100 marks in Science ! (I ♥ Science)
♥ speak English fluently ! 
♥ sleep early ! (sleep early is difficult to me as I have a habit of sleeping late)
♥ get my art skill better ! (strong passion to water colors and poster colors ^^)
♥ get blue tie in wushu examination ! 
so far these are my target 2012, I sure will realize it ! YEAH! ^.^ 

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