Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year ! =D

woohoo!!! It's the 2nd day of Chinese New Year!
eh, no no.. is 3nd day of Chinese New Year, now is already 2.23 morning. 
 I really love Chinese New Year because I can meet all of lovely cousins and relatives during this celebration!
but unfortunately, my sister was infected with denggi - nyamuk denggi.
I don't know she been bited and she is now in Metro to been monitored.
I am so sad because she can't party with us during the celebration.
TAKE CARE, Jie Jie! =)
Oh yea, I just back from Village Mall Grand Cinema.
haha.. first time watch movie in cinema in the midnight.
We went to watch 'Underground 3D'.
I had no idea what the movie wanted to say to us.
and the ending is..... I don't know how to describe it.
erm... it ended to fast and unmeaningly.
but never mind, just for fun ha...
It is too late now, it's 2.31 a.m ..
need to wake up early tomorrow,
gonna to sleep, good night..
no no. morning everyone... : D
BYE ^^

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