Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Brilliant Chinese New Year! =D

I gotta say........
What a AWESOME Chinese New Year!!!! =D
I it so much!! ^^
woohooo! How wonderful is it if everydays is Chinese New Year!
hahaha.. =D

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year ! =D

woohoo!!! It's the 2nd day of Chinese New Year!
eh, no no.. is 3nd day of Chinese New Year, now is already 2.23 morning. 
 I really love Chinese New Year because I can meet all of lovely cousins and relatives during this celebration!
but unfortunately, my sister was infected with denggi - nyamuk denggi.
I don't know she been bited and she is now in Metro to been monitored.
I am so sad because she can't party with us during the celebration.
TAKE CARE, Jie Jie! =)
Oh yea, I just back from Village Mall Grand Cinema.
haha.. first time watch movie in cinema in the midnight.
We went to watch 'Underground 3D'.
I had no idea what the movie wanted to say to us.
and the ending is..... I don't know how to describe it.
erm... it ended to fast and unmeaningly.
but never mind, just for fun ha...
It is too late now, it's 2.31 a.m ..
need to wake up early tomorrow,
gonna to sleep, good night..
no no. morning everyone... : D
BYE ^^

Thursday, January 19, 2012

yeah! ^^

Yesterday CM and me went to Tze Ting's house to do the background that we want to post on the school bulletin board.
This is it! =)
We spent 3 hours to cut and fix the paper,
and I spent more 1 hour 30 minutes to do that word of 'WUSHU' .

Last year, my Sivik teacher teach us to do a handicraft like floor mat by using paper.
and I did this to my sister when she was facing SPM examination. =)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Busy 2012 ^^

This morning I went to SMK Batu Lima, Jeniang to take part in Table Tennis KMY Competition. 
I went to school as usual this morning.
Shi Qi and her brother, Jin Yao , Wee Kie and me waited at the school parking lot for Pn. Tan arrival. 
( -Jin Yao is over form 5 and he had nothing to do at home, so he went there with us- )
I thought Pn. Tan will drive her old 'Kancil' to fetch us,
but luckily she drive new car, hahaha.. =D 
After taking the form and schedule of the competition, we started our journey to Jeniang. 
It was kinda boring in the car because Pn. Tan always talk to Jin Yao all along the journey and we went too far and we missed the school! 
Oh no! That time was already 9.00 a.m!
The competition started! 
Pn. Tan quickly U-turn her car and we reached that school at 9.15 a.m 
When we reached there, it is quite a coincidence, they called our name when we reached there.
OMG, I quickly drop my beg, and I played the games without drinking water and warming up. 
Fortunately, my opponent in the first round is not very powerful and I win in the first round. 
Without break, I went to Round 2.
OMG again, this time my opponent is one of the Kedah Team players. 
How can I win? Every balls she kick-off screw ball! (Screw ball is a type of skill that made the opponent difficult to catch the ball )
and I lose.. actually I felt non of disappointment or sadness,
it was a good experience I think. =)
and I met my former Ping Pong teacher !
I said halo to her and she introduced me to the Sin Kwang junior. 
haha... =D   
Before we went back to S.P, Pn. Tan treated us at a Kopitiam at Gurun. 
and I ate 'Economy rice' - 经济饭.. Yummy Yummy. ^^  
All of us was tired, and everybody slept in the car. 
Oh yes, except Pn. Tan, because she needed to drive ma. =D 
We reached school at about 1. 24 p.m like that.
Although I didn't win in this competition, but I felt so happy that I had this opportunity to go to that competition. 
Pn. Tan wanted us to practice more and more. 
So this year really is a busy year !
Yesterday I went to scout meeting, and I learned how to march and I was so nervous when our scout leader, Zhi Sheng came to see us. 
I did do much wrong, never mind, I will practice harder. : )

da dang, this is what I look wearing scout uniform. ^^ 
didn't button the collar!
FAIL Scout! haha =D 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Awesome ! =)

hi guys, today I'm here to introduce two awesome blogs to you.
These blogs is all about ART! I ♥ ART ^^
below are some of the painting that I found on those blogs. : P
here we go.

Isn't it's AWESOME? I think it is. =D 

here are the blogs link . 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

halo 2012 ^^

Halo, what a long time didn't update my blog already ^^ 
I haven't update my blog since year 2012 started. 
actually I am too busy since this new year start and I have no time to update my blog.. 
busy with tuition, homework, study and other stuffs. 
I think this year - 2012 will be a BUSY year. 
We are having PMR this year!! 
oh no, we have to work harder and harder to get a good result in PMR examination.
PMR is very important as it decide our class in form 4 & 5. 
when I was form 1 & 2, everyday I was just daydream in the class. 
haiz.. I'm so regret now. T,T
so this year I will work as hard as I could to realize all my 'Target 2012'!
yea, here are my year 2012 target, so far. =)

Target ^^ 
♥ of course is get 8A in PMR examination ! 
♥ be Top 15 whole classes next examination ! 
♥ be taller ! (don't laugh at me ^^)
♥ get A in Geografi ! (my Geografi is too bad)
♥ get 100 marks in Science ! (I ♥ Science)
♥ speak English fluently ! 
♥ sleep early ! (sleep early is difficult to me as I have a habit of sleeping late)
♥ get my art skill better ! (strong passion to water colors and poster colors ^^)
♥ get blue tie in wushu examination ! 
so far these are my target 2012, I sure will realize it ! YEAH! ^.^