Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas is OVER, but happy Chirstmas Day =D

Oh, finally Christmas is OVER !! =(
This year, my Christmas present is........ 
Yea, is Samsung Galaxy Young !!! =D 
Firstly, I would like to thank Chen Yi's brother, Chen Jher for splashing water on our old h.p and right now we can get our own new h.p ..
actually I love my sister h.p more.. 
She bought Samsung Galaxy Ace ~~
but never mind, I love my phone too.. 
arr..haha.. stop talking about my Christmas present.. 
Yesterday is Christmas.. =D 
When I woke up yesterday morning, and I checked my phone~~
WOW!! so many messages ...
everybody wished my family and I merry Christmas, God Bless and bla bla.. =D  
Thanks everyone ! ^^ 
After that, we went to Park Avenue.. 
Our church organised a Christmas celebration at there.. 
This celebration was bigger than the celebration at education center.. 
They invited everyone no matter you are our church member or non-christian.. 
Many performances was presented... =D 
in the evening, we went to one of my father's co-worker.. 
His son got 5A in the UPSR examination (my father's co-worker is Muslim)
So He organised a 'Jamuan Kesyukuran'.. 
a few days ago, Joelyn asked me whether we have any plans or programs or not.. 
She asked me to go Methodist Church with her.. 
Oh yes, forget to tell you guys that my sister went to Genting Highland with her friends.. 
We can't have any family programs without my sister ^^ 
So we went to Joelyn's house to fetch her.. 
Evan don't know want to go, my father said if he go, we will go for KFC! =D 
finally He went there with us... hahaha =D 

That's Methodist Church ^^ 

The Christmas celebration at the Methodist Church was really GREAT and EXCITING !! 
Thanks Joelyn Tan for inviting me to go there... 
After that we went to the KFC shop, we bought 9 pieces of chickens, 1 big french fries, popcorn chickens, and mashed potatoes...
It's late, don't eat too much~ hahax =D 
We ate KFC at Joelyn's house.. listened to Christmas Musics, watching TV, playing and laughing..
That's enough for Christmas, FAMILY ^^ 
That's a GREAT Christmas , thank you Joelyn, Evan, Mummy and Daddy.. 
and jie jie, Wish you have a great Christmas at Genting Highland too !! ^^  


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