Monday, May 28, 2012

A trip to Perlis.

The day before yesterday, my family and I went to Perlis.
You think that we went to travel?
of course nope! :)
There's a small and 'Malayssss' village, and we were hardly find a restaurant.
There's full of Malay stalls and Mamat stalls.
As everyone knows, Malay food is all about curries, chickens, chilies and sambai.
It's all about fatty and spicy food, ex: [chicken curry]  =D
Everyday we ate chicken curries, I scared in this holiday I will go fatter and fatter. =D
Oops, out of the topic. ; D
actually we went to Perlis is to fetch my sister to Kolej Matrikulasi Arau, Perlis.
She is going to study at there for one year,
but if she get the teacher training offer, she will quit.
On Sunday, we reached there at about 11.50 something.
From here Sungai Petani to there Perlis, travel for 2 hours can reach there already.
We checked in the Motel that we booked before.
At first, we wanna to check-in in a hotel called Everyone's Hotel.
[ weird name ] :)
But all the rooms have been booked by other passengers.
Oh no, it's a very nice and awesome hotel although its' name is very weird. =D
But we can't do anything, haiz...
After that, we found a motel called MLC Motel.
It's very clean, but.....
It's too SMALL for 4 of us!
But the shop owner and his wife are very kind.
They also think that the small room cannot afford 4 of us,
and they let us to go to their own house to sleep.
[ their house is just upstairs ] =D
yea, the room in their house is more bigger and comfortable.
after that we went to Padang Besar to shopping.
Oh my goodness! At first I thought is a shopping mall but,
it's a place for Malays to open their stalls to sell bags or souvenirs.
at there is congested by peoples and many peoples are smokers!
Oh no, I can't stand for the cigarette smoke!
I just wonder why all of these cigarette smokers do not take care of their bodies.
Cigarettes will harm and danger our body.  =(
But never mind, that's their own business, : X
I bought a beautiful bag, at least I don't go back home with empty-handed.=D
The next morning, is the day that the Kolej Matrikulasi Arau open for registration.
There's dormitory for the students.
The dormitory is quite okay la..
I mean quite okay for me if I am the one who need to live at there. =D
After helping my sister cleaning and furnishing for hours,
it's time that we leave.
My sister and I never separate for so long time.
Yesterday night I slept alone.
That's my first time that I sleep ALONE.
Jie jie, I gonna miss you so much! T,T =D


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