Sunday, April 8, 2012

I don't care it anymore =)

I'm sure that Human LOVE to talk or complain about others behind their backs, as the world became so materialistic and realistic.
But I do not mean everyone, but I'm sure that every one sure got do that once.
Yea, who're we??
We're human!
Every person has mistakes , except Jesus.
I have mistake too~
Oh, not mistake, is mistakessssss!
Before, my favorite hobbies was including complain about others behind their backs.
Don't you think it was FUN?
say other peoples' bad things behind them,
talk about their imperfection and defect,
that is absolutely fun and the best activity to while away time.
But after some incidents happened,
I think that's too bad talking about others behind them.
They can also talk about us behind our backs.
Before my mum always scolded me that we should not do that and we must learn from our mistakes.
But I was always telling myself that that's not my fault.
I was Born This Way.
But right now I know that that's definitely wrong!
We can choose ourselves that which character you wanna be.
It's pretty hard and difficult to rectify ourselves, but we must do that.
Before, I'll get angry and upset if my friends don't want to let me know about something although it is about other peoples' stuff.
But now I realized that that's so meaningless and such a waste for time.
It doesn't affect my life if I don't know others' things.
And now I don't feel anything as they talk secretly at there although I can see that they are talking about me.
I try all my best to avoid to talk behind others' backs and study as the examination is approaching!
And now the problem it is.
There was some incidents happened between my friends.
They had a quarrel and the quarrel is getting worse now.
I really don't want to know anything about it because I don't side any body and I don't want to involve in this quarrel.
And now A group think that I was siding B Group.
I'm trying so hard to avoid it but I'm still implicated.
They thought I'm a spy.
That's so silly and funny, how could I became a spy without eavesdropping what they are talking about?
i called one of my friends explain to them.
I said I have no comment in this incident and I really don't side anybody.
They don't believe me, and they said I have changed.
If you guys still don't believe me, I also can't do anything.
never mind, it doesn't matter if you guys don't believe me,
God know who is innocent and who is the bad person,
and God will punish the bad person.
Actually I really don't want to talk about this but I can't stand for it and I just wanna let you guys know.
Actually I knew everything that you guys talked about me and my family,
but I don't disperse it as I don't want to ruin our friendship.
and yes,  I know you are still criticize me although you're now seem like want to friend me again.
But it really doesn't matter, I really don't care.
Because ' you are just a nonentity in my eyes. '
I won't angry of you because I don't care about what are you talking about behind my back,
I really don't care.  =)
So, keep going and complain about me,
Let me know what's my wrong,
so I can fix it, thank you very much. n,n

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