Saturday, September 17, 2011


Yesterday was a grateful day!!
My family and I went to Bayview Beach Resort,Penang..
That's a nice place~
We went there because my dad have a dinner with his bank colleague...
When we reached there,Bayview Hotel really disappointed me because in my imagination Bayview Beach Resort is a very beautiful and nice hotel..'s just ordinary only..nothing special..
But when I went to his garden,
wow!!It really exited me so much~!
There is a beautiful paradise!!
I love it!
My family and I laid on the lazy chairs..
My mum bought 2 cheese cake and one chocolate cake~!
mwmmm....taste good..
We saw some foreign children playing at the garden~
All of them are so cute~!!!
I still of them name Charlie~He is so CUTE!!!
after that, my sister and I went down to the beach..
I am so excited!!!
We had taken a lot of photos at there~
We took a lot JUMPING photo~!=D
After that, my dad went to the dinner and left my mum,sis and me~
We walked to hotel beside the Bayview Hotel~
It is Hard Rock Hotel~
That is a great great great hotel~~
greater than Bayview Hotel for 100 times!!
We went there and took photos~
hahaha..because we have nothing to do~haha=D
after that, we went to eat Thai food~
ermmmm..lovely food..^^
after taken our dinner, we went out and wandering...
There is many stalls beside the road~
I saw many foreigner too~wow!All of them mostly are very beautiful~
wandering wandering and wandering..
then I saw a stall that sell CD and DVD..
har!!!I saw GLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOHOOO!! My sister and I was very happy!
haha...we promised mummy we just watch it after examination...
so my mum bought Glee season 2 for us~=D
so happy!!!GLEE is my favorite, u know?^^
after that, we went back to bayview hotel~
sitting at the lobby and waiting for my dad..
10.30 something my dad came out..
actually the ceremony isn't end yet~
but my dad scared we will face traffic jam if we go back home late..
My dad got a prize in the lucky draw section..
My dad told me that the first prize of the lucky draw is IPAD 2!!!!
wow!!!!!! if my dad got the prize, I will be CRAZY!!!^^
But......that's not reality...T,T
haaha..but never dad got a iron~ahahaha...=D
about 12.15 A.M , we reached home~
It is grateful a meaningful day~!!
I so happy~^^
I hope I can go to Batu Feringgi again very soon~
That was a great place!^^

here are some our JUMPING photo~^^

hahahaha...That's insane~=P