Saturday, July 23, 2016

A day at the Charity Bazaar

Hi everyone! Wow, It has been years that I did not update my blog. Remembering those days where blogging is so popular and all of my friends and I will always made sure that we will update our blogs every single days no matter how busy we were. I'm in a long long holiday right now after the end of my foundation studies. I need to wait until October to enter into degree courses. So I have so much of free times right now. :D Just 30 minutes ago, I was looking for things to do while I suddenly have the urge to look back my blog. So, here am I. :)  Looking back to my previous old posts, it took me a trip down to the memory lane. All those funny, upsetting and ridiculous past memories flashed through my mind like a bullet train. I just felt so funny that why I have posted silly pictures like photos of cutting my fringe in my blog. Hahaha. Well, I have deleted it. Besides, reading through my old posts, I found lots of grammatical errors in it! Well, I remember the primary reason I started to blogging is to improve my poor English writing, and I think it really helps a lot in improving my English competency. Therefore, I decided to make a return to my blog again!

So I went to a charity bazaar which was held in SJK(C) Pekan Lama this morning. The motto of this charity fair is to raise funds to build an interior basketball field in the school. My dad has bought the coupons from his friends to show his support. When we stepped into the school, I was amazed by the big crowds in the charity fair. Seem like everyone is showing their big supports to the schools. All of the food stalls were placed at the canteen of the school. My family and I straight away headed to the canteen as we were so hungry and our stomachs were ringing like the school bell. There are around 30 foods stalls selling all kinds of food at there. Everyone at each stalls was shouting and cheering to attract more people to buy at their stalls. So we bought different kinds of foods and settled down at a coffee table to eat our brunch. The purpose of this fair is to raise funds, therefore, all of the foods and beverages sold are extremely expensive. I was asking to a young lady how much is the 'nasi ayam tomato' which can be referred as chicken rice. It was RM8 per packet. I was stunned like a vegetable. At last, I did not buy it. Hahaha. XD

After finished eating all the foods, we headed to the school hall to watch the talent shows performed by the students. One girl with cool cowboy style went up to the stage to sing a song. My mum and I were amazed by her voice! Her voice sounds so perfect that it is like the recording of the CD. Everyone in the hall was enjoying to her singing. After she sang for a few verses, she stopped singing out of the blue. What really surprised us is that the voice of singing is still playing. AHAH, the reason why she sounded so perfect is that the people who was in charge with the PA system has forgotten to switch the song into the karaoke mode. HAHAHA. However, there are still a lot of other amazing performances like belly dance, modern dance and cosplay. In case you don't know what is cosplay, cosplay is the practice of dressing up as a character from a film or video game, especially one from the Japanese genres of manga or anime. Most of them were wearing golden hair wigs which are exactly the same like the hairstyles of Japanese anime. These children are really talented! :)
In a nut shell, it is a good day with interesting experiences and happy moments. That's all, good bye. Have a nice day everyone. :)