Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lady In Red.

A couple month ago, my English teacher assigned us to write a story book.
At last, I ended up with writing this short story.
Haha,, It's a little bit childish. But since it's the first story that I ever wrote, feeling want to post it in my blog.
So, here is it.

Lady in Red – by Wendy Tong J
The little red riding hood, Rosalinda, had grown up, she is still living with her grandma.  She lives in an old house in a countryside which is located at up of the hill with her grandma. Around the hill, there’re full of bushes.  Time past, she had grown into a mature girl. In her countryside also lives a handsome guy with his father who is a hunter. They two live in the countryside for 16 years but they never met. Until one day..   
                “Jackson, we have been hunting together for such a long time. Do you learn any hunting skills from me?" The hunter said to his son. 
                "Of course I did, Dad. I had learned a lot of hunting skills and techniques from you. I could do so if you assigned me to go hunting by myself! I mean, ALONE." Jackson said to his father with a smile on his face.
                "Well, seem you’re very self-confidence, now I’m giving you a test. Before the sun goes down, as long as you succeed to capture a live tiger back, what else, I have to admit your ability. “Said by the hunter.
                "Okay, no problem. I’ll prove to you that I can do it!" Jackson seem very confident to himself.
After handing the hunting tools to Jackson, Jackson’ dad went down of the hill. 
                Jackson began hunting in the forest.
On the other hand, Rosalinda was enjoying seeing the roses that have been cultivated by her in her housing estates. 
                "Oh, such a beautiful rose that I have ever seen! " Rosalinda was very glad her rose plant was growing well.
Out of the blue,
               "Be careful!" a hand pushed her from her back to the ground. She was unconscious after her head had hit the floor. 
                "Miss, are you okay? Wake up please!" Jackson felt guilty and helpless seeing Rosalinda lying on the floor staying unconscious.  
                In Rosalinda’s dream, she could hear that someone was keep calling for her. 
She slowly opened her eyes, and saw a handsome guy in front of her. There was a dead tiger beside her too.
"Oh gosh, what was happening?" Rosalinda thought. Curiosity filled her heart.
"Miss, I am so sorry. I saw the tiger was going to attack you just now, I am forced to push you from danger, I never mean to hurt you.  I’m really sorry. " Jackson said to Rosalinda, feeling guilty. 
"It’s okay, I’m alright." Rosalinda smiled to Jackson.
It was the day how Rosalinda and Jackson have been to each other, falling in love with each other. After that, Jackson always went up to the hill just want to see Rosalinda. Well, dating with her.
                Grandma started feeling something wrong.
                “Something sure is happening to Rosalinda, she never been so happy before. No matter what, I have to figure it out. I never allow that thing to HAPPEN. ” Grandma thought in her heart.
                “Rosalinda, what’s up? You are different recently. What is happening?” Grandma asked Rosalinda, she was eager to listen to her granddaughter answer.
                “Grandma, I’m been dating with a guy named Jackson. He’s a hunter and he’s very nice to me. “Rosalinda can’t hide her happy feeling.
                “Rosalinda, I’m not agreeing.  I have something serious to tell you. “
                “What is it? Grandma, I’m 16 years old. I think I’m big enough to date a guy.” Rosalinda seemed unhappy with her grandma respond.
                “You said that guy who is currently dating with you named Jackson, right?” Grandma asked Rosalinda with a strict face.
                “Yea, his father is a hunter.” Rosalinda replied.
                “Listen to me, Ros. You are not allowed to date with that guy. You can’t.”
                “Why? He’s a nice guy. I was falling in love with him. You have no right to call me to leave him!” Rosalinda was very furious.
                “Rosalinda! Listen to me! I’m sorry to tell you this but there’s no choice, you have to know it. Jackson is a werewolf, he will hurt you. “Grandma replied.
                “Grandma, what werewolf? Are you kidding me? What are you talking about?” Rosalinda had no idea what her grandma was talking about, she thought that her grandma was totally lost out of her mind.
                “I’m telling you the truth, as you know I’m a witch. I could see whether a person is really a human being or other creatures. You have to believe me, he’s a werewolf. You guys will never able getting together.” Grandma said.
Hot tears streamed down from Rosalinda eyes, she can’t accept the truth. It’s so cruel to her.
That night, grandma was not around. She went to town to buy some things. Before she left, she warned Rosalinda not to go outside at night and remember to put on the red hood all the time. Rosalinda was very curious. It’s been 16 years. Every year there’s always the same day which is full-moon day that she was not allowed to go outside and always has to put on the red hood. She has no idea what was it for, she just do whatever her grandma call her to do, she did not dare to ask.
Jackson came to see her.  At the beginning, she refused to see him.
“Ros, why do you refuse to see me? Am I did something wrong? I would apologize to all of my mistakes!” Jackson shouted outside of her house.
Eventually, she came out to see him. She told everything that her grandma told her.
“What’re you talking about, Ros? I’m a werewolf? I never transform into a wolf before. Stop kidding me please. “Jackson did not believe Rosalinda saying.
“It’s true. My grandma is a witch. She know everything about werewolf, she said she could see a werewolf shadow behind you. “Rosalinda’s face crumpled up when she said to Jackson. She burst into tears.  
“What? This is so crazy!” Jackson cried.
Two of them keep crying for their fate. They have no choice but to be separated. They hugged each other and keep crying and crying, Rosalinda had forgotten her grandma warning.
It was full-moon.
“Ah!!!!! My body is aching!” Pain seared through her, unlike anything she’d ever known.
“Ros, are you okay? What’s happening??” Jackson cried out.
After that, Rosalinda had no idea what she did. She had killed Jackson.
“I’m a werewolf!! I’m the one who is the real werewolf!! Why?? I have killed the one I love!! Why??!! Why did grandma lie to me???” Rosalinda yelled at the sky.
At the same time, grandma had come back home, she saw the scene that she never ever want to see in her life. The secret is revealed.
Rosalinda was totally lost her mind. She yelled at her grandma furiously, asking her for the truth.
The truth is, Rosalinda is not a werewolf, and she is a hybrid. Her parents are vampire and werewolf. Her dad is the werewolf where her mum is the vampire. Her parents have to die as they break the rule, vampires will never fall in love with werewolf. Before they die, they left their baby, Rosalinda to the witch grandma. They warned grandma never allow Rosalinda to transform into hybrid, the only solution to prevent her to transform is to ensure her wearing a red hood during full-moon night. If grandma fail to do so, she has to die too.
After grandma telling Rosalinda the truth, blood splitting out of her mouth. Grandma had died as she failed to prevent Rosalinda from transforming into hybrid. Rosalinda cannot accept the cruel truth. Her heart is full of hatred and hates, she had changed. She left the countryside without anyone knows.
Years have flown in the twinkling of an eye, there’re rumors that a lady which is in red killed anybody that she met, with a red hood on her head.

------------------------------------------ END ---------------------------------------------------

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Demi lOvato

Such a long time didn't update my blog. 
In fact, I don't have time to update my blog either. 
I want to introduce my idol today. 
I love her so much!
She is so beautiful and talented.
She... is DEMI LOVATO! 

I began to know her since I started to watch X Factor in the TV show. 
After that, I started searching her photos and videos in variety social networking sites, such as Youtube, facebook and twitter. 
I also know her stories through the sites.. 
She had been sent to rehab before, 
But no matter what, She faced the obstacles in her life strongly and brave. 
She never give up and compromise to troubles. 
She, is Demi lovato! :) <3 nbsp="" p="">